As well as lectures and practical evenings we also have a monthly competition.
Only paid up members are able to take part.
There are 12 monthly PDI competition evenings held throughout the year, normally during the final week of each month, unless specified differently in the current Programme.
Six of the competitions are on specific subjects selected by the Committee and six are on ‘Open’ subjects (of any subject the author wishes).
Entries will be judged where possible by an appointed Judge from outside our club’s membership.
Whenever possible, entries will be previewed by the Judge prior to the competition.
The Judge will discuss and appraise the entries and award a maximum of 20 points to each individual entry. The Judge will then announce the top 3 entries to gain 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
The judge’s decision is final.
We respectfully request that you consider all critique is given with the best of intentions and that you accept this gracefully as whilst we do not expect you to agree with all judges’ comments, we expect you to respect them.
All the monthly competitions are on PhotoEntry.
You will be able to see all these competitions under the 'Monthly Competitions' group.
Under 'Status' you can see if the Competition is Open, Closed or Future. If it is open you can enter images.
All open Competitions will automatically close at 4am on the Thursday morning following the closing date.
All set subject competitions are open so you can enter images from now right up until they are closed. Don’t forget these entries can easily be amended if you change your mind.
We will only have one open competition open at a time to stop any confusion.
You can also see who is judging if they have been booked.
If you need any advice on entering an image in a monthly competition please just ask a committee member who will be only too happy to help.
The number of entries allowed will be shown on the relevant section in PhotoEntry
There is no charge for entries
No image or version of the same image or image that can be deemed to be from the same file can be entered in two different Club PDI Competitions if it has been awarded a First, Second or Third Place in any previous Club PDI Competitions.
No PDI or version of the same PDI or image that can be deemed to be from the same file that has been Commended, Highly Commended or a Winner in any section in an Annual PDI Exhibition can be entered in any future PDI Competitions.
All images entered in a PDI competitions must be uploaded to PhotoEntry by the closing date of the competition as shown in PhotEntry
Please note that the rules for the Monthly PDI Competition and the Annual PDI Exhibition do not affect the Club Print or Annual Print Exhibition and vice versa. Similar rules apply to several Print Competitions held throughout the year.